The Employer: 发标人:China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Kazakhstan Branch
the End-User:最终用户:qazaq soda LLP
Technical contact of the Employer 技术联系人:Mr. Jiang Suchuang
Commercial contact of the Employer 商务联系人: Mr. Yang Xiaoyu
Tel. 电话: +77058064364
Please send your bid by email to:
Bid Date: 15th of May, 2024
询价日期: 16.05.2024
Due Date : 31th of May, 2024
截标日期: 31.05.2024
1.Immediately upon receipt of this Inquiry, please confirm your intent and specify the name of the person who will be assigned to prepare the proposal. The Confirmation of Bid must be completed and emailed within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt.
2.Please make sure Prices is lump sum during the execution of contract.
3.Bids must be received by Email by the Bid Due date.
Scope of Work
Equipment and Materials Supply, including but not limited to:Deep water submersible pump, Water Pipe, Reverse osmosis water purifier, Enclosed diesel generator and Etc. the specification is shown in BOQ-list of equipment and materials in technical part;
Civil Works: Pump house, Water intake electrical control room, excavation works and backfilled works of pipeline, the specification is shown in in technical part;
Installation Works is shown in technical part;
Except as otherwise express provided herein, Bidder will provide sufficient and competent labor, supervision,materials, construction equipment, and consumable materials, services, tools, testing devices and inspection facilities,including each and every item of expense necessary for the Construction and Erection work of the Equipment, Piping, Instruments, Electrical systems. The Bidder will also provide bulk material supply, offsite fabrication, field erection, handling, hauling, loading, unloading,scaffold erection and receiving, Erection, field construction, assembly, quality assurance and testing. The Bidder’s scope of work will include, but not limited to the above mentioned.
除非特别说明,否则,投标方应按规定,为工作范围所指的设备、管道,仪表、电气的施工和安装工作提供:足够、能胜任的、包含工程所需要专业的工人、管理人员、材料、施工设备、消耗材料、现场服务,施工工具、试验设备和检测工具 。并承担本工程在承建过程中因负责诸如:材料供货、构件场外预制、现场安装、材料及设备搬运、卸车、装车、移位、脚手架搭设等工程措施所引起的有关费用。承包商的工程内容将包括,但不限于以上提及的工作。
The Bidder shall be in accordance with regulations and requirements to carry out the Material Supply, Erection, commissioning, and handover acceptance of the equipment and undertake the responsibility for quality warranty for the pipelines, electrical, instrumentation and other equipment specified in the contract. The Bidder shall be provided allocation of personnel, machinery, equipment, materials and various resources in accordance with the provisions of this contract.